One night as I was walking through the woods,
I saw something flicker in the night,
I thought that it was someone up to no good,
Someone who might want to give me a fright.
I held a dim-lit lantern in my hand,
My brother holding on to me with glee,
We slowly treaded across the dry land,
“Oh Wirt, look at this frog I’ve got, I’ll name him Kitty!”
We traversed through the brush and through the weeds,
I started to get weary and unsure,
I heard a crack and look around with speed,
But all I saw around were big, thick firs.
But then the air grew quiet, and I swear,
I heard something right behind my back,
I knew something else was in the air,
Waiting, wanting, hiding, ready to attack.
“Wirt, where are we going?”
Was the question he did ask.
My heart was pounding, anxiety overflowing,
Getting away would not be an easy task.
And in between the trees I see a pair of glowing eyes.
The ground shakes and there’s a grating boom,
As the creature becomes larger in size.
I start to run away and yell, but Greg stands frozen in fear,
My hand slips out away from his,
My eyes form a single tear.
I don’t know what to do for him,
As the beast begins to charge,
I cry and yell and call for him,
Overwhelmed by a beast this large.
This ending is the story that they don’t want you to hear,
Of how my greed and self-centered need channeled my awful inner fears.
I left my brother behind in the woods when I should’ve stayed by his side,
So if there’s any moral, please, take my advice, put your family before your pride.