It’s often said to never explore the woods at night. I didn’t think too much about the specifics. I wouldn’t let some fake stories keep me from roaming. However, I am much more careful after a fateful night a few years ago.
I was staring at the ceiling, listening to my clock’s thoughtful ticking. That’s often when I get the itch to wander into the unfamiliar woods behind my house. I never had the desire to walk around during the day, but the silence of the evening and echo of the clock forced my body out of bed. That specific night in late October, when the leaves rustled and shook with each breeze, I stretched my bones and walked into the darkness. What a fool I was. Breaking into the unrecognizable and dense brush, the wind stalled, and all that hung in the air was the sound of my breathing. I tried to move silently, my feet barely brushing against the ground. Those towering trees seemed to loom over me. The deafening stillness was cut by an indistinct murmur. My heart stopped and I could hear the pounding of blood in my ears. It grew louder, and it almost seemed to laugh at me. Combing through the tops of the trees with only the light of the crescent moon, I spotted a bird. Or what I thought was a bird. My God, That vile thing was like no creature I had’d ever seen before. It resembled an owl with its round face, yet it had the brooding frame of a vulture. Its talons sunk into the branch of the tree it was hanging on. Fear paralyzed me. I tried to turn, to run, to scream, but I couldn’t look away. The creature’s face was almost humanlike, with its big dark eyes and broad beak and its call was no different. Almost as if it was impersonating a man chuckling. Not once did it break eye contact or cower. It must have only been a few seconds before its snicker abruptly stopped, and it became uninterested. Its great wings fluttered open and it flew off.
I wouldn’t say I’m scared to go back into the woods, but I definitely frequent them less. On those helpless nights where the clock ticks away, that creature creeps into the back of my mind and I feel the same paralyzing fear.