As a child, I could often be found spending my time doing two things: digging for bugs in the garden or reading a book. Being relatively introverted, I enjoyed occupying myself with activities that allowed me to be in my own little world. As I have grown, this has remained the same. While I cannot say I enjoy digging for bugs as much as I once did, reading books and being outside have remained two of my favorite pastimes.
Throughout my life, I have flip flopped between what I want to do. Teacher, journalist, veterinarian, audiologist; I have spent many years indecisive. Nothing felt truly right. I desired an amalgamation of my two loves, but how could I combine digging for bugs and reading? For a while, I denied these passions. In a world that is dying, why would I study something so painful? I tried to focus on other things, and ignore my desire to go back to what made me happiest. But, as many know, you can only do this for so long.
The summer leading to my sophomore year, I had a crisis. I did not like what I was studying, and I was setting myself up to be in a career I would not enjoy. I completely changed my set course, and switched into the field I am in now. A true incorporation of my childhood passions and comfort, I have found what I want to do.

If you don’t mind me asking, what field did you end up pursuing? Furthermore, what was the original carerer that you decided no longer made you happy? You had one of my favorite images on the blog posts because there is a certain nostaliga inherent to cuddling up with your back against a tree with a good book.
I am pursing Environmental Studies with the pathway of Environmental Humanities! I was originally pursuing Communication Studies & Disorders with hopes of becoming an Audiologist, and while it was an extremely interesting subject, I realized it wasn’t for me when I kept putting off the summer homework (if I couldn’t find the willpower to do what I would be doing as a career, then maybe it wouldn’t be the best choice…). I’m glad you like the image I chose! I thought it fit the combo of humanities & the environment that my major consists of well, and I agree with the nostalgia.